

Druids were the ancient Celtic order of priests. The name druid is linked to the Greek drus and Welsh derw, meaning ‘oak’. Their symbol was the serpents egg and they considered eating eggs to be taboo. Their beliefs are known to have included reincarnation and they have been linked to the teachings of Pythagarus. The Druids worshiped in sacred groves, the most important being on the Isle of Anglesey - Inis Mon.
The order and their power over the British people was greatly feared by the Romans who considered the suppression of the Druids essential to ensure their successful conquest of Britain.

From high in the churches he stares down, looking over our shoulders, with unseeing eyes watching the years pass - a silent reminder of our pagan past.
A feature of many folk customs and celebrations, he is the Lord of the May and Jack-in-the-Green, in medieval literature, the Green Knight who challenges Sir Gawain to return in a year and a day. Whilst today, he can be found danceing with the Morris men across the village Green.
He personifies the strength and vitality of nature and the annual triumph of life bringing Spring over the barrenness of Winter.

Now more often seen within children’s stories, but still a favourite image among many modern wiccans and witches. The origins of the traditional image of the witch, with her pointed hat and broom, are lost in the mists of time. However, Witches are depicted in medieval illumination riding on brooms and pointed - brimmed hats are known to have been associated with ritual and magic in the bronze age.
The earliest know picture of witches flying on broomstcks may be found in a French manuscript ~ written about the year 1440 ~ known as Le Champion des dames, by Martin le Franc.

The Witchfinder General [d.1647]

John Dee, magician and court astrologer to Queen Elizabeth i, [1527-1608]

Vlad Dracula, despite his reputation he remains a hero in his own country. [1430-76]

The early 6th c. helmet discovered at Sutton Hoo is adorned with decorated panels. These show the dancing warrior-priests of Odin, with spears and raven horned helmets.

Known as the Great Beast - 666, Aleister Crowley, with his enthusiastic encouragement, was much vilified by the British press. [1875-1947]